The String Bean Effect

Search the term “ectomorphic body type,” and you’ll likely see a sketch of my physique from 40 years ago. I entered Great Valley High School a wet noodle - likely just under 5 ft tall and weighing less than 100 lbs.

That’s tough when you want to be an athlete. I distinctly remember being repeatedly told that I was “Too small. Too skinny.” And early on, … that made me Too Insecure. Finally, after getting cut from the soccer team in 8th grade, a sport I loved playing, I turned my attention to music, which I also adored. There I built my confidence, not my biceps, and waited for the muscle fairy to arrive.

She didn’t show up.

Eight years later I graduated from Rowan University a fully-grown … string bean. I’d managed to stretch a whopping 14” over the years while adding just 35 lbs. Fortunately, those skinny arms now came with some thick skin, a whole lot of confidence, persistence, and a highly driven nature.

And that personality trait meant I still wanted to compete.

While in college, I played volleyball, softball, indoor hockey, flag football, tennis, etc. - you name the intramural sport, I probably played it. And upon graduation, I didn’t slow down.

Primarily, I played volleyball, ice hockey, and roller hockey. And while I competed well, there’s just so much you can do when you weigh 135lbs, and you’re trying to keep your position in the crease against a guy that’s 240.

The String Bean Effect

Me, Circa 1992


So, in my early 20’s I started hitting the gym and pounding shakes. Protein powder, peanut butter, raw eggs, a banana, milk, and ice cream … that was a snack, not a meal replacement! At one point I averaged 3,500 - 4,000 calories a day. And while I got stronger, I still couldn’t put on much weight.

Even after 5 years with essentially no results, I persisted. Finally, slowly, some definition and tone showed up and the scale ticked higher. By the time I got married in my early 30’s, I’d managed to eek into the 155 range. Yep, that’s a whopping 2 lbs/ year! Then, in my 40’s, my metabolism slowed, and 25 years later I achieved my target weight of 175.

Today, at 55, with 25 Good Years Left, I’m still ~175, still hitting the gym 4-5x a week, and am once again playing soccer! I’ve also picked up Ultimate Frisbee where I’ve been able to join my sons on the field as they play in high school and college.

There’s a great Star Trek spoof titled “Galaxy Quest”. Wonderful cast and a stellar movie in its own right. In the film, Tim Allen, who plays the Commander, delivers a personal tagline throughout the film… “Never give up. Never surrender!” It’s a bit cliche, but when applied over and over never giving up can deliver incredible results … even if they take three decades to arrive.


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